Wood Floors, The Finale
By golly, it is all done. Finally. Finito. One day after the project, we both said we would never do it again. Now that it has been a couple of weeks, I would say we would do it again. Especially from the results we got. After it was all said and done, our total expenses (for the floors only) came in under $400. That is for three rooms. Pretty good huh? We decided to stain the floors Traditional Cherry because our wood work is a little darker. The results are awesome. More so in the kitchen. Remember they are pine floors in there? Initially that cherry stain made the floor a bright red. Oh, that was worrisome. Once we applied the varnish, it did cut the bright red to a very warm red. I really like how it turned out.

The living room floor did not change too much. I suppose since this was our only original floor exposed when we moved in. I guess we are pretty used to it being a wood floor. It still turned out nice.

Next to the kitchen, the most dramatic change was the dining room. I cannot believe how good the floor looks! You are going to have to take my word on it, because the photos did not turn out so well. Tonight, I am going to try some more pictures to upload. (Before I have to return the camera to my sister!)

Please check back this week. I will be sharing some more pictures of the rooms. Also, I will have a post on how to paint a Formica countertop! Yes, I did it!!! And it looks AWESOME!

The living room floor did not change too much. I suppose since this was our only original floor exposed when we moved in. I guess we are pretty used to it being a wood floor. It still turned out nice.

Next to the kitchen, the most dramatic change was the dining room. I cannot believe how good the floor looks! You are going to have to take my word on it, because the photos did not turn out so well. Tonight, I am going to try some more pictures to upload. (Before I have to return the camera to my sister!)

Please check back this week. I will be sharing some more pictures of the rooms. Also, I will have a post on how to paint a Formica countertop! Yes, I did it!!! And it looks AWESOME!
I second the AWESOME part. Wow I am jealous! Good job guys!
The floors are georgous. Mine are still covered with carpet because nobody wants to help me uncover them!
Can I ask what brand of stain you used? We are working with pine as well and we just love your floors!
I hope you get this reply! I don't have an email address for you.
We bought our stain at Menards (a midwest home improvement chain). It is not Minwax, but a different brand they carry. If you truly are serious about getting the brand name, email me at gumpsjenny@yahoo.com and I will find out for you.
Also, we did use the color "traditional cherry" for the stain. Turned out awesome. But I will warn you, when it is just the stain on the floor it is red. And I mean RED! The Polyurethane coats will mellow it out.
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